PGI Final RC1 mod by "uncle Theodore" from a russian board


Here is a list of changes in PGI Final RC1.
Fixed a problem with the initialization of adapters WiFi, by mistake crept into the archive with PGI 1.5
Fixed problem with unrecognizable USB flash drive, when he was only option (without HDD and NFS)
In the driver adds support for WiFi devices ID: 2001:3 C15 for the RT2870 and 2001:3 C1B for RT3070 (with no guarantee of work)
Updated the file / var / etc / epg / nonstandard_encoding: Cyrillic Lybyd transponders on TV (36E) and the Continent TV (85E) - need to scan channels in a clean factory base
Updated: busybox, dosfstools, dropbear, e2fsprogs, freetype, fribidi, iptables, mc, sqlite, usb_modeswitch and the base of the satellites and transponders 

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