- fixed: timeline in epg grid
- fixed: refresh display of epg grid during scrolling (page up/down)
- fixed: refresh display of epg at fav/channel list during scrolling (page up/down)
- fixed: display of weather plugin
- fixed: emu scripts
- changed: location of the small PIP window
- added: busybox 1.18.2
- added: aspector plugin
- added: ability to disable automount "touch /var/etc/.dont_start_automount"
- added: three-step function of WWW, RED, GREEN, YELLOW and BLUE buttons
short press is 1.(first) action
longer press is 2.(second) action
the longest press is 3.(third) action
BMT defaults as below:
1. www ([You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] - not used (can be defined by user)
2. www (www2.sh) - not used (can be defined by user)
3. www (www3.sh) - not used (can be defined by user)
1. red (red.sh) - aspector plugin
2. red (red2.sh) - not used (can be defined by user)
3. red (red3.sh) - not used (can be defined by user)
1. green (green.sh) - emuman plugin
2. green (green2.sh) - not used (can be defined by user)
3. green (green3.sh) - not used (can be defined by user)
1. yellow (yellow.sh) - bitrate plugin
2. yellow (yellow2.sh) - hddtemp plugin
3. yellow (yellow3.sh) - not used (can be defined by user)
1. blue - Instant Recording List
2. blue - Record Status (scheduled recording list)
3. blue (blue3.sh) - not used (can be defined by user)
*.sh scripts should be placed in /var/bin and attributed to executables
- added: new column with title of program in Record Status (scheduled recording list)
- added: BMT info in Status Menu
- added: reboot function at long press of power button
- added: the choice of power off/standby using short press of power button
- added: dropbear as ssh server
- added: two-step function of OK button
short press - channel/fav list
long press - epg list
- added: lynx explorer (only from console)

-----------------------IrK multiboot 3.0 options----------------------

1 = E2 - USB SDA1
2 = E2 - USB SDA2
3 = DGS - HDD SDA3
4 = E2 - FLASH
5 = E2 - HDD SDA5
6 = E2 - HDD SDA6
7 = DGS - USB SDA1
8 = E2 - USB SDB1
9 = DGS - USB SDB1

- to all BlueMoon Team
- to all who help us to improve this image especially to (in alphabetical order):aftermath, genie, henia888, irk, jaro, kazetka7, kucykspeedway, mig25, przemlulus, schrederek, sorasil, walery.
- dedicated to Robert Kubica - GET WELL ASAP

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]