Aici avem un zip cu un encoding. conf pt epg /usr/local/shre/enigma2/(De ex pt limba maghiara sa se vada cracterele), un url 2 pt Sifteam E2 /etc/ipkg/-trebuie copiat si avem toate emulatorele de care avem nevoie /telecomanda/albastru/addons/ online.....etc ,si inca un Picon pack pt Thor 1W full in 3 categorii
1. Hd ;by name, by references
2. 3d ;by name , by references
3. sd ;by name, by refrences
Eu propun in cazul lui Pkt , picon Hd ->by refrence copiat in /user/share/enigma2/picons copiat si dca intreaba, trebuie prescris. Success!
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1. Hd ;by name, by references
2. 3d ;by name , by references
3. sd ;by name, by refrences
Eu propun in cazul lui Pkt , picon Hd ->by refrence copiat in /user/share/enigma2/picons copiat si dca intreaba, trebuie prescris. Success!
[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]