INDB6-GIT Based flash version
- St24-kernell 207- player 179
- Update Mediacentr ( added MyTube fix)
- Wifi driver rt3700sta with static/dhcp
- Wifi indb plugin with connection information
- Wifi_setup file in /etc folder from set handly settings

Attention - after set you wifi settings you must press WiFi Start if you
set handly ip/mask/gw or press WiFi DHCP If you want good settings but
you wifi not connected - press WiFi Stop and press Wifi Start or WiFi
DHCP again

-INDB BluePanel
-Lighth EMU panel
-Swap/Mount/Hdd manager
-MyTube fixed INDB version
-MediaPlayer with aspect ratio
-MediaCenter with VideoPlayer, AudioPlayer ,Doychland Player, WebBideoPlayer(MyTube), RadioPlayer (
-2IB changed secondary infobar from ecm ang epg info
-GraphMultiEPG updated version
-MediaCenter updated version
-MyTube - fixed psk version
-OSDAdjustment -PermanentClock
-WebInterface with stream
-CrossEpg from russian and ukrainian channel

Attention- all emu installed in emu-manager/ After install emu reboot gui from look

Please -take only one emu. If you take other emu - please delete handly binare file old emu in /var/bin folder

Change in officiale Git
-change startscripts
-change official abcom-emu-manager to light softcam emu with emu downloader
-change network-start script ( added wifi rt3070sta and lan reloaded)
-changed in scins-selector from hdd\usb scins ( folder from external skin in /hdd/scins )
-change render and converter
-change virtual keyboard ( from english added key russiankeyboard select ih use russian locale)
-change locale
-change SD и HD scins ( skins other images dont work to indb)
-change some dll library from stabile emu work
-change symlink scripts from var-folders
-change InfoBarGeneric, keymap
-added new line in bluepanel scin settings enable\disable skin animation, number on led, led on menu, etc

images present in compile

I dont garanted that allian plugins and skins will be work in indb version
I dont garanted that our skins and plugins will be work in other images
