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Dear users of INDB images.
I have to tell you about the plan to close development of the project for a series of tuners IPBOX900 \ ABCOM99 after the release of version 7.08
This version, which Nikolasi and I (Iscan) are preparing to build, will be the latest firmware which was released for SH4 tuners.
In connection with the termination of support at the level of drivers, libraries and binaries from both Tideglo
and from the AAF team, formally renounced support for SH4, in the further development of the project under these models, I do not see the point, unnecessarily is nothing new except for the regular "ryushikov" in connection with the above is not expected.
The project itself is not closed and will support users, and various minor fixes for bugs discovered.
In version 7.08 we have fixed some small bugs and addresses some of the wishes of users on an interface Firmware
Base - GIT 24-207
Drivers - AAF on 17/12/2011
Plan to upgrade and fix in firmware 8.7
- Blue Panel v2
- Universal driver 2870/3070/5170 WIFI c indication of the Stick
- Added Stop and Reboot in EMU-Manager
- Will integrate the functions of Mount Swap and functionality in a single (in writing)
- Fixed a bug when switching default_gateway LAN \ WAN
- Completed update renders most of the converters and to accelerate the mining output interface parameters
- Minor updates to the media player and YouTube
- Added plugins Foreca / FontManager
- Fixed SeekBar (Rewind the position of the cursor-label work with all records and MP3)
- Added new features to manage skins in the settings panel of blue-
- Added a change in the positions of all infobare blupaneli (infobara, sekondinfobara, and ekstrabara movipleera)
- Added a change fonts ( in blupanel)
- Added a conclusion Picons in media player, and the list of records movieplayer
- Added option blupanel in the style of light and fullerene (choose in blupanel in skinsetape)
- Added flashing Rec on the TV screen during recording
- Added a recinfobar
- Fixed space in 9000/9500 models
- Do not corrected and will not - watch the full shutdown.
- Reader on the new map tricolor MPEG4 does not work, not the rule and will not be (why - see paragraph 3 to complete enlightenment)
It is possible to enter the firmware will be something else.
Firmware is scheduled for release in late March